What is your name?
Patti Haberberger
How long have you been teaching?
9 years
Years in the Academy?
It's my first!
Where did you go to school?
Dubourg High School, Mizzou-Undergrad, Webster-Grad.
What subject do you teach?
Whats your favorite color?
Kids? And if so do they or any other family member go to Lindbergh?
Yes, I have three boys. The oldest goes to preschool at Lindbergh.
What is your teacher link to your website?
I don't know, it's not finished yet.
How do you use technology in your class room?
PowerPoint, the web, e-mail, and hopefully more soon.
Why do you like teaching?
I love it, it keeps me on my toes.
Why did you go into education for your career?
I struggled in school, and I wanted to help other kids who struggled.
What are your hobbies?
Reading, movies, playing with my kids, and working out!
Who was your favorite teacher in school and what subject?
3rd Grade- Miss Rothery. She let me get an eraser, even though I was the only kid who didn't get 100% on my multiplication facts.
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