Friday, September 5, 2008

Mr. Joe Veldhuizen

* What is your name?

Joe Veldhuizen

*How long have you been teaching?

3 years

*Years at the Academy?

First year

*Where did you go to school?

Crete Monee High School

Concordia University, Chicago

*What subjects do you teach?

Math-Algebra 1A, 1B, and Geometry

*What is your favorite color?


*Kids? Do they or any other family go to Lindbergh?

No kids

*What is your teacher website?

*Any special activities you sponsor?

Freshmen football

*How do you use technology in your classroom?

Keep worksheets on Moodle and website. Power Point Presentations.

*Do you like teaching and why?

I love it. Teenagers are very interesting; it is always something new everyday. I also love helping kids out, not just with school, but with their problems.

*Why did you go into education?

I love math and helping students learn math. It also allows me to coach.

*What are your hobbies?

Sports-men's softball, watching cubs, video games.

*Who was your favorite teacher in school and what subject?

Mr. Amaro: Math- Algebra II, Linear Algebra, Calculus

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