Friday, September 12, 2008

From a Teachers Perspective

The technology is changing the Academy at a fast pace. The classrooms have become more productive and the better quality of work that is being completed by the students. Technology is a big part not only of the students' class life, but also the teachers. Each student now has their own computer to use on a daily basis. Dry-Erase boards and projectors were installed in the classrooms. In this article we wanted to find out one teacher's perspective. We interviewed Coach Erwin, one of the Academy’s Social Studies and Physical Education teachers.

Coach Erwin told us how he uses the technology everyday in class because he believes that the laptops are useful and helpful to the students. He also claims that he does not use paper at all, “I use the Moodle pretty much for everything”, said Erwin. All the assignments he gives in class are turned into the Moodle using the computers. The Moodle is a program where you take tests and turn your assignments in. He also explained how he uses his projector everyday to put things up on the board that he wants to share with his class. Hopefully, the technology will increase and we will have more as the years progress.

In addition to the laptops, in the future, Coach Erwin has many ideas for new kinds of technology such as iPhones and fingerprint scanners. Coach Erwin thinks iPhones “would help academic achievement”. Coach Erwin also said “There are more applications available for the students.” Erwin believes that taking attendance is “overrated.” Erwin would like to eventually have a device that would scan your fingerprint at the beginning of the day. This would be able to tell you exactly how tardy you were. It would also give us more class time, because we will not have to take attendance. Hopefully, some of these dreams can come true for Coach Erwin in the near future.

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