Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mr. Hilton

How long have you been teaching?
4 years

Years in the Academy?
4 years

Where did you go to school?
Concordia University, Wisconsin and University of Missouri

What Subjects do you teach?
Social Studies and Technology

Whats your favorite color?
The color of learning.

Kids? Do they go to Lindbergh?
12 year old at Sperreng. Also, a three year old girl and a one year old son

What is your teacher link?

Any special activities you sponsor?
Coach- Freshman Football, Varsity Wrestling. Sponsor-Youth in Government

How do you use technology in your class room?
For everything!

Why do you like teaching??
I like teaching because everyday I have an opportunity to make a difference.

Why did you go into education for your career?
To make a difference.

Who was your favorite teacher when you were in school?
Dr. Masthke for theology; he was a great teacher.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mr Hamlton

My Step Son has expressed interest in the Academy. Are there any brochures or detailed information about the Academy. He currently attends Lindbergh in the 10th grade and not doing the greatest.

If there are any available can you send to me via email or regular mail.

Arnold Tutson/atutso2013@gmail.com

or 9924 Juengel Dr
St Louis, Mo 63128

Thank you