Halloween originated as a Celtic holiday known as Samhain, a celebration for the end of harvest season, where costumes were worn to mimic the spirits. Halloween is the shortened name of All Hallows Eve, the night before All Hallows Day which is also known as All Saint’s Day. Halloween did not become a holiday in the United States until the 19th century. Now, Halloween is the second most popular holiday in America next to Christmas. Americans spend about 4 million dollars on costumes every year.
Here at the Academy, Halloween is a widely celebrated holiday, so we decided to take a few interviews just to see how familiar students were with the traditions. In the three interviews we conducted, none of the students could say that they knew the history of Halloween. When asked if these students still went trick or treating, we were surprised to find out that one of the three students still participated in the tradition. Many students say they will be attending haunted houses this year; it seems like a popular activity for Academy students.
There are some very creative costume ideas here such as poison ivy, storybook characters, fairies, and other unique costumes. Many kids have plans for Halloween that have been traditions in their families for years. Others just plan to party and have fun. Many kids these days say that they don’t go trick or treating because they are too old. Others say if they can still dress up and do it, they will to get free candy. That’s the spirit!
Useful Links
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Technology in the classroom
The Lindbergh Academy 1-to-1 program is all about technology. Each student is assigned a laptop that they are responsible for throughout the school day. So far it’s safe to say that the students love it, but we’ve decided that we needed a teacher to voice their opinion on the subject, too. We sat down and talked to Bryan Hilton, a teacher of many different things here at the Academy. When asked what the advantages of having laptops in class were, he told us, “It gives students better access to resources online so they can have the opportunity to do more dynamic assignments.”
So far this year, Mr. Hilton’s classes have used things like Microsoft Publisher, Photo Story, Audacity, Moodle and Voicethread to help get things going inside the classroom.
“Basically, if it can fit in the class somehow, we’ll see how it works", said Hilton.
Some people might take a look at all of this technology and think that it would just make things more confusing, when in fact it does the exact opposite. When asked about the productivity in his classrooms, Mr. Hilton explained to us why all this technology really does help: “I think students are much more willing to do assignments that are interactive, say web-based and things of that nature, rather than just worksheet after worksheet after worksheet.”
Moodle is one of the most widespread programs that is used at the Academy. Every student and every teacher has an account on Moodle so they can interact with each other in a more efficient manner. Moodle is what students use to download their assignments and then turn them in when they’ve been completed.
“I think it’s great for the teachers and the students. I can honestly say that we have not had one lost assignment since we’ve gone to the Moodle, which is great.”
As we progress through the school year, we’ll be interviewing even more students and teachers just to get a broader look at how things are done at the Academy. We thank everybody we’ve interviewed so far for their time. Stay tuned to stay updated!
So far this year, Mr. Hilton’s classes have used things like Microsoft Publisher, Photo Story, Audacity, Moodle and Voicethread to help get things going inside the classroom.
“Basically, if it can fit in the class somehow, we’ll see how it works", said Hilton.
Some people might take a look at all of this technology and think that it would just make things more confusing, when in fact it does the exact opposite. When asked about the productivity in his classrooms, Mr. Hilton explained to us why all this technology really does help: “I think students are much more willing to do assignments that are interactive, say web-based and things of that nature, rather than just worksheet after worksheet after worksheet.”
Moodle is one of the most widespread programs that is used at the Academy. Every student and every teacher has an account on Moodle so they can interact with each other in a more efficient manner. Moodle is what students use to download their assignments and then turn them in when they’ve been completed.
“I think it’s great for the teachers and the students. I can honestly say that we have not had one lost assignment since we’ve gone to the Moodle, which is great.”
As we progress through the school year, we’ll be interviewing even more students and teachers just to get a broader look at how things are done at the Academy. We thank everybody we’ve interviewed so far for their time. Stay tuned to stay updated!
Service Learning and Coach Erwin
Here at the Lindbergh Academy, all the students learn the value of doing work for the community. Last year, eight hours of community service every quarter was required. This year the Lindbergh Academy is doing something different. Instead of community service the Lindbergh Academy is doing service learning. Every teacher will be involved with a different type of service learning. Mr. Erwin, a teacher here at the Academy, was interviewed.
Mr. Erwin’s weight training class service learning project is focused on “performing a meaningful service to the school as well as giving the students better understanding of strength training principals.” There are about 30 students working on this project and they are hoping to have it done by the end of the semester. Mr. Erwin, like many of the other teachers, believes that the students will get more out of the service learning than they did community service. “Service learning is more meaningful and will reinforce what they are already learning in class.”
Mr. Erwin and his students are working on brainstorming ideas for quality service learning projects. When asked if he believed that service learning would be more successful than community service, he said, “I think it will ultimately help them see how what they learn in school is used out in the real world”
In conclusion to this I think its safe to say that everyone has high hopes for service learning, and that every one believes the students will be more successful and benefit more from these projects.
Mr. Erwin’s weight training class service learning project is focused on “performing a meaningful service to the school as well as giving the students better understanding of strength training principals.” There are about 30 students working on this project and they are hoping to have it done by the end of the semester. Mr. Erwin, like many of the other teachers, believes that the students will get more out of the service learning than they did community service. “Service learning is more meaningful and will reinforce what they are already learning in class.”
Mr. Erwin and his students are working on brainstorming ideas for quality service learning projects. When asked if he believed that service learning would be more successful than community service, he said, “I think it will ultimately help them see how what they learn in school is used out in the real world”
In conclusion to this I think its safe to say that everyone has high hopes for service learning, and that every one believes the students will be more successful and benefit more from these projects.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Learning Beyond School

Ronald McDonald House out of St. Johns
At Lindbergh Academy the students are asked to complete a service learning project per semester. Service learning is a great opportunity to build our character and help the community at the same time. There are many opportunities for service learning this semester for the students. One project consists of updating a bulletin board about reading, with a group of students in charge of keeping it up. There will be news, book releases, and previews about books students might be interested in reading.

Another event going on in October is the Walk for Autism. It is a charity event in which groups will raise money for autism by walking a route in Forest Park. Thousands of people come each year and there are many great sponsors. It is a wonderful event to attend.

In Mrs. Kuhlo’s art classes the students are making games and taking them to St. John's Hospital for kids to play with. St. John's is designing a part of the hospital just for children. The games will be available for children to play with who are confined in their room recovering and can not get around the hospital. These are just a few of the service learning projects taking place at the Academy this semester.

Another event going on in October is the Walk for Autism. It is a charity event in which groups will raise money for autism by walking a route in Forest Park. Thousands of people come each year and there are many great sponsors. It is a wonderful event to attend.

In Mrs. Kuhlo’s art classes the students are making games and taking them to St. John's Hospital for kids to play with. St. John's is designing a part of the hospital just for children. The games will be available for children to play with who are confined in their room recovering and can not get around the hospital. These are just a few of the service learning projects taking place at the Academy this semester.
Friday, September 12, 2008
New Students and Technology
The Academy has had laptops as of May 2007. Two new students to the Academy were interviewed to get their opinions. When asked about it in general, Rian had this to say.
“…school has never really been my thing, so the Academy is kind of like a breath of fresh air because, it’s a lot more easy going, it feels like they work with you…”
The laptops were accepted quickly and now we have a great system for school work. You may access assignments from home and everything you have is saved to your computer or online. Organization is no longer such a problem. Students can't just “lose” their assignments like they used to. Matt said this about the organization.
“…It’s all like right in front of you…very easy to use…only one thing instead of one big binder”
Class work being easier and students not doing much at the Academy is not true. Weekly projects and tests are done in classes, along with daily assignments. We use our new technology daily. Both Matt and Rian are doing class projects that require our new technology and talked about it with us.
“…a poetry project and…we’re building a website for the Academy, of course”-Matt
“Well in Civics class with Mr. Hilton we’re using photostory, so that requires laptops”-Rian
We are looking forward to interviews with more students. Check back for more information about technology and laptops, being posted right as they are found out. Keep up to date, and you will be well-informed weekly.
Check Out the Pod Cast of the Interview!
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“…school has never really been my thing, so the Academy is kind of like a breath of fresh air because, it’s a lot more easy going, it feels like they work with you…”
The laptops were accepted quickly and now we have a great system for school work. You may access assignments from home and everything you have is saved to your computer or online. Organization is no longer such a problem. Students can't just “lose” their assignments like they used to. Matt said this about the organization.
“…It’s all like right in front of you…very easy to use…only one thing instead of one big binder”
Class work being easier and students not doing much at the Academy is not true. Weekly projects and tests are done in classes, along with daily assignments. We use our new technology daily. Both Matt and Rian are doing class projects that require our new technology and talked about it with us.
“…a poetry project and…we’re building a website for the Academy, of course”-Matt
“Well in Civics class with Mr. Hilton we’re using photostory, so that requires laptops”-Rian
We are looking forward to interviews with more students. Check back for more information about technology and laptops, being posted right as they are found out. Keep up to date, and you will be well-informed weekly.
Check Out the Pod Cast of the Interview!
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From a Teachers Perspective
The technology is changing the Academy at a fast pace. The classrooms have become more productive and the better quality of work that is being completed by the students. Technology is a big part not only of the students' class life, but also the teachers. Each student now has their own computer to use on a daily basis. Dry-Erase boards and projectors were installed in the classrooms. In this article we wanted to find out one teacher's perspective. We interviewed Coach Erwin, one of the Academy’s Social Studies and Physical Education teachers.
Coach Erwin told us how he uses the technology everyday in class because he believes that the laptops are useful and helpful to the students. He also claims that he does not use paper at all, “I use the Moodle pretty much for everything”, said Erwin. All the assignments he gives in class are turned into the Moodle using the computers. The Moodle is a program where you take tests and turn your assignments in. He also explained how he uses his projector everyday to put things up on the board that he wants to share with his class. Hopefully, the technology will increase and we will have more as the years progress.
In addition to the laptops, in the future, Coach Erwin has many ideas for new kinds of technology such as iPhones and fingerprint scanners. Coach Erwin thinks iPhones “would help academic achievement”. Coach Erwin also said “There are more applications available for the students.” Erwin believes that taking attendance is “overrated.” Erwin would like to eventually have a device that would scan your fingerprint at the beginning of the day. This would be able to tell you exactly how tardy you were. It would also give us more class time, because we will not have to take attendance. Hopefully, some of these dreams can come true for Coach Erwin in the near future.
Coach Erwin told us how he uses the technology everyday in class because he believes that the laptops are useful and helpful to the students. He also claims that he does not use paper at all, “I use the Moodle pretty much for everything”, said Erwin. All the assignments he gives in class are turned into the Moodle using the computers. The Moodle is a program where you take tests and turn your assignments in. He also explained how he uses his projector everyday to put things up on the board that he wants to share with his class. Hopefully, the technology will increase and we will have more as the years progress.
In addition to the laptops, in the future, Coach Erwin has many ideas for new kinds of technology such as iPhones and fingerprint scanners. Coach Erwin thinks iPhones “would help academic achievement”. Coach Erwin also said “There are more applications available for the students.” Erwin believes that taking attendance is “overrated.” Erwin would like to eventually have a device that would scan your fingerprint at the beginning of the day. This would be able to tell you exactly how tardy you were. It would also give us more class time, because we will not have to take attendance. Hopefully, some of these dreams can come true for Coach Erwin in the near future.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Mr. Joe Veldhuizen
* What is your name?
Joe Veldhuizen
*How long have you been teaching?
3 years
*Years at the Academy?
First year
*Where did you go to school?
Crete Monee High School
Concordia University, Chicago
*What subjects do you teach?
Math-Algebra 1A, 1B, and Geometry
*What is your favorite color?
*Kids? Do they or any other family go to Lindbergh?
No kids
*What is your teacher website?
*Any special activities you sponsor?
Freshmen football
*How do you use technology in your classroom?
Keep worksheets on Moodle and website. Power Point Presentations.
*Do you like teaching and why?
I love it. Teenagers are very interesting; it is always something new everyday. I also love helping kids out, not just with school, but with their problems.
*Why did you go into education?
I love math and helping students learn math. It also allows me to coach.
*What are your hobbies?
Sports-men's softball, watching cubs, video games.
*Who was your favorite teacher in school and what subject?
Mr. Amaro: Math- Algebra II, Linear Algebra, Calculus
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Mr. Sean Erwin
1) What is your name?
Sean Erwin
2) How long have you been teaching?
In my 6th year.
3) Years in the Academy?
6th year in the Academy.
4) Where did you go to school?
Affton High School
B.A. Maryville University
M.S.E. Missouri Baptist University
M.Ed. William Woods University
5) What subjects do you teach?
Social Studies/P.E.
6) What's your favorite color?
7) Kids? Do they or any other family go to Lindbergh?
No kids
8) What is your teacher link to your website?
9) Any special activities you sponsor?
Assistant Varsity Baseball & Football Coach
10) How do you use technology in your class room?
I use technology at all times in the classroom to help prepare students for the 21st Century and
to help them increase academic achievement. All documents are accessed through the Moodle and assignments are turned in through the Moodle. Students also take assessments through the Moodle and have access to resources through Moodle.
11) Do you like teaching and why?
Yes, I enjoy helping others achieve their goals.
12) Why did you go into education?
I had a teacher in h.s. that made school interesting and fun, and I wanted to do that for others
who may not enjoy school or find it interesting and vital.
13) What are your hobbies?
Sports, Coaching, Working Out, MU Football
14) Who was your favorite teacher in school and what subject ?
Academy 1 to 1 Laptop Program
The Lindbergh Academy received 75 laptops in March 2008. Each student was assigned a laptop to take from class to class. The Academy was chosen to be the pilot program for the 1 to 1 system (one laptop for every student). The purpose of the program is to determine if the school would benefit from giving every student in the district a laptop . So far the laptops have worked out very well and we will continue to use them as we progress throughout the school years. There have also been many advantages to the laptops. Many of the students work better and faster with the focus of them.
Lindbergh is just one of many schools that have purchased laptops for their students. However, most schools with laptops are private schools. The program varies for different schools but they are based upon the belief that the computers will improve the students' achievement. Also, the laptops will help to improve everyone’s technology skills.
The laptops provide interesting new ways for students to learn. The technology department has also provided all the students at the Academy with an email address so it is easier to contact teachers. All of the teachers at the Academy are linked to the Moodle (A website where they assign the students work). Students may access the Moodle from home if they wish to. Since the laptops arrived, it is much easier to do projects than when we didn't have computers.
Lindbergh is just one of many schools that have purchased laptops for their students. However, most schools with laptops are private schools. The program varies for different schools but they are based upon the belief that the computers will improve the students' achievement. Also, the laptops will help to improve everyone’s technology skills.
The laptops provide interesting new ways for students to learn. The technology department has also provided all the students at the Academy with an email address so it is easier to contact teachers. All of the teachers at the Academy are linked to the Moodle (A website where they assign the students work). Students may access the Moodle from home if they wish to. Since the laptops arrived, it is much easier to do projects than when we didn't have computers.
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